
District News
Black History Month Tucson Unified School DistrictCTE Month Celebrate Today, Own Tomorrow!
School News
'B' School Recognition

B Rated School

Marshall has been recognized as a 'B' school by the Arizona Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year!
New After-School Hubs
NEW After-School Hubs at Marshall, Sewell and White this  2024-25 School Year  MARSHALL HUB SERVES: Dunham, Hudlow, Dietz & Ford.  SEWELL HUB SERVES: Myers, Howell & Wright.  WHITE HUB SERVES: Warren, Lynn-Urquides, Miller, Van Buskirk & Maldonado

We have added new hub sites and provide transportation from neighboring schools to our hub sites. Parents will pick from the hub site.

More details about new after-school childcare